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Domesday: the Inquest and the Book

Domesday Databases

Perceptions of Insanity in Medieval England

The Hundred Rolls

Domesday: the Inquest and the Book

Pre-Conquest Nottingham

Talking to Others: the Domesday Inquest

Domesday Texts

Little Domesday Book, Norfolk

The Congleton Charters

The Digital Domesday

The Ploughland and the Plough: Some Thoughts on a Domesday Conundrum

Domesday Now? Some Heretical Thoughts on the Nature of Domesday Data

From Davenport to Industrialization: Congleton People in Power

Domesday Boroughs: a Red Herring?

Inquests in Medieval England

The Danes and the Making of the Kingdom of the English

Wallingford: the Domesday Borough

Wallingford: the Borough and the Shire

Honour and Borough: the Anatomy of a Royal Town

Domesday and the Making of Norman England

A Tale of Two Towns and Two Castles: Nottingham and Wallingford Compared

The Domesday Inheritance

Domesday Bourne and Beyond: the origins of a fen edge town

McLuhan Meets the Master: Scribal Devices in Great Domesday Book

A hidage to nothing? Military organization and the origins of the shires in southern England

To the Manor Born: Eleventh-Century Sokemen and Freemen Revisited

An Englishman's Home: the Early Castles of Lincolnshire

Domesday: the Inquest and the Book in Perspective

A Tenacious Stock: Sokemen and the Origins of the Lincolnshire Yeomanry

Sitting on the fence: the Staffordshire Hoard find site in context

Stamford in Domesday Book

The Domesday Texts Project

Domesday Tamworth: a Ghost in the Book

Unequal Partners in Government? Domesday Moneyers