Domesday Bibliography and Domesday Online

In 1985 Professor David Bates listed over 1800 publications relating to Domesday Book in his A Bibliography of Domesday Book (Woodbridge: Boydell for the Royal Historical Society). This volume has proved to be an indispensable reference work for all students of Domesday Book. However, the fifteen years since its publication has seen an unprecedented growth in interest in Domesday studies. Stimulated by the 900th anniversary of the Domesday inquest in 1986 and the publication of the Alecto facsimile of the text (1986-2000) numerous other books and articles have appeared. The bibliography now needs updating. The possibility of compiling an 'Electronic Bates' is now being explored. A database of publications since 1985 has already been compiled. It is hoped that it will be made available on-line in the near future and regularly updated.

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